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Flexibilidad de April - 1 Noche
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1 Habitación , 1 Adulto , 0 Niños

El mejor lugar

Donde el placer se combina con la elegancia

St. Regis Hotels

Persiga su pasión por relajarse, ponerse cómodo y escaparse a un retiro perfecto. 

St. Regis New York lobby
The St. Regis New York, Nueva York

Donde la tranquilidad se combina con escapadas exquisitas

Centros vacacionales St. Regis

Situado entre algunos de los destinos más inspiradores del mundo, descubra su próxima escapada exquisita con St. Regis.

St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort: villa sobre el agua con piscina
The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort, Maldivas

Experiencias inmsersivas

La mejor ubicación en la Riviera Maya

Nuevo resort

The St. Regis Kanai Resort, Riviera Maya fue construido en una reserva natural de manglares, inspirado en la vecina Reserva de Sian Ka’an, patrimonio de la humanidad de la UNESCO en México.

Vista aérea del resort y la playa
The St. Regis Kanai Resort, Riviera Maya

Viva exquisitamente en Italia

Immersive Experiences

Permita que el atento mayordomo St. Regis diseñe su experiencia “Viva exquisitamente” personalizada y le muestre lo mejor de Italia al estilo St. Regis.

Mayordomo conduciendo un automóvil con una pareja sonriendo

Rituales emblemáticos

Elevate your holiday celebrations at St. Regis, where we transform renowned spaces into decadent celebrations, setting the stage for your cherished holiday memories.

Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary coctel e ingredientes
Cocktail e ingredienti Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Creado en 1934 por el famoso mesero Fernand Petiot en el famoso King Cole Bar del hotel The St. Regis New York, el Bloody Mary continúa siendo el cóctel exclusivo de la marca St. Regis.

Más información
Ritual al Anochecer
Copas de champán para ceremonia de sableado

Ritual al Anochecer

Acompáñenos a medida que el sol se esconde en el horizonte para celebrar la transición del día a la noche.

Más información
Té de la Tarde
Juego de té artísticamente dispuesto para el té de la tarde

Té de la Tarde

Todos los St. Regis cuentan con su propia interpretación de esta encantadora tradición que permite que los huéspedes se reúnan y socialicen.

Cena de Medianoche
Mesa preparada para cena de medianoche

Cena de Medianoche

St. Regis le da la bienvenida a los huéspedes a los eventos especiales y exclusivos de la Cena de Medianoche en todo el mundo, diseñados en honor a la estimada tradición de Caroline Astor.

Bloody Mary coctel e ingredientes
Cocktail e ingredienti Bloody Mary
Copas de champán para ceremonia de sableado
Juego de té artísticamente dispuesto para el té de la tarde
Mesa preparada para cena de medianoche

El experto de St. Regis

Conoce nuestro creador de tendencias que personifica el glamur moderno de St. Regis.

Nacho Figueras

Nacho Figueras es el jugador de polo más famoso del mundo. Famoso por su espíritu deportivo, su destreza y su impecable sentido del estilo, dentro y fuera del campo, Nacho Figueras es el primer experto de la historia de St. Regis.

Hombre y mujer en un picnic elegante

Un Legado Que Perdura En El Tiempo

Caroline Astor prendiendo un adorno floral sobre su vestido de noche

The Caroline Astor

Muchos de nuestros codiciados rituales están inspirados en la incansable mente creadora de la gran dama de la época dorada, Caroline Astor. Invitaba a un selecto grupo de “400” conocidos, amigos y celebridades a tés, cenas de medianoche y opulentas galas, creando así el primer registro de la alta sociedad estadounidense. Puesto que artistas, visionarios y personas influyentes de todo tipo compitieron para que les incluyera, su círculo social evolucionó hasta conformar la primera expresión auténtica de la sociedad neoyorquina.

Retrato del financiero John Jacob Astor
ca. 1890 --- Financier John Jacob Astor drowned in the Titanic disaster. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Una Vida Extraordinaria

El hijo de Caroline Astor, el coronel John Jacob Astor IV, hizo que St. Regis New York recibiera en 1904 la aclamación inmediata del público, e incluso The New York Times lo declaró como “el mejor hotel de Estados Unidos”. Auténtico visionario, inventor y empresario, John Jacob Astor se aseguró de que el St. Regis original fuera tan avanzado tecnológicamente como lujoso, insistiendo en que cada habitación tuviera su propio teléfono. Astor falleció durante el naufragio del Titanic el 15 de abril de 1912. Más de un siglo después, el legado de uno de los pasajeros más acaudalados y famosos del Titanic perdura a través del crecimiento y de la evolución continuos de St. Regis.

Mural de Old King Cole en St. Regis New York
St. Regis New York - King Cole Bar and Restaurant

Una Incorporación Cautivadora

El mural del Viejo Rey Cole, una obra original del artista Maxfield Parrish, se revela en The St. Regis New York. Este icónico trabajo se ha convertido en la inspiración para otras pinturas murales que se mostrarán en la mayoría de nuestros St. Regis Hotels & Resorts de todo el mundo.

Ilustración original de Bloody Mary

El Original Bloody Mary

Fernand Petiot, el jefe de bármanes de The St. Regis New York, crea el icónico cóctel Bloody Mary que da origen a las exclusivas creaciones de Bloody Mary de St. Regis en todo el mundo.

Bonitos globos de helio

Un Legado Que Evoluciona

En 1904, St Regis redefinió el concepto de hotel de lujo y más de 100 años después, su característico estilo de vida se ha expandido a más de 40 hoteles y centros vacacionales St. Regis de todo el mundo.

Montaje fotográfico de arte y música

Expertos de St. Regis

St. Regis comenzó su programa de Expertos en 2010 con el argentino Nacho Figueras, la renombrada figura del polo. En la actualidad, tenemos el honor de contar con notables diseñadores de moda de lujo, talentos musicales excepcionales y otros creadores de tendencias destacados en este programa que comparte nuestro espíritu innovador y nuestra tradición de excelencia.

Molinillos y dulces

Viva Exquisitamente

Para St. Regis, las experiencias Viva Exquisitamente son inolvidables para nuestros huéspedes, especialmente para las familias. Por tanto, el programa Tradiciones Familiares se creó especialmente para celebrar la unión y disfrutar de un destino en su forma más auténtica.

Caroline Astor prendiendo un adorno floral sobre su vestido de noche
Retrato del financiero John Jacob Astor
ca. 1890 --- Financier John Jacob Astor drowned in the Titanic disaster. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS
Mural de Old King Cole en St. Regis New York
St. Regis New York - King Cole Bar and Restaurant
Ilustración original de Bloody Mary
Bonitos globos de helio
Montaje fotográfico de arte y música
Molinillos y dulces


Photo by stregishotels on October 14, 2022, 4:15 am.


Stunning blue in every season. stregisborabora #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on October 8, 2022, 1:40 am.


Mountain skies, exquisite evenings. stregisdv #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 30, 2022, 4:00 am.


A perfect island enclave, crafted by the Best Address. stregismaldives #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 24, 2022, 2:28 am.


Begin something beautiful. thestregislangkawi #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 22, 2022, 1:10 am.


The Best Address: Amman. Whether steeped in glamour or immersed in relaxation, stregisamman revels in every moment, letting culture, history, and modern craft enliven the exquisite, from art-filled spaces to the sculpted stone of Petra. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 18, 2022, 11:30 pm.


Called by ocean calm. stregispuntamita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 17, 2022, 3:15 am.


Path to perfection. stregisborabora #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 16, 2022, 4:00 am.


Retreat into the exquisite in #Rome. stregisrome #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 13, 2022, 2:45 am.


A resplendent rendezvous. stregissf #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 10, 2022, 3:49 am.


The art of the island escape. stregismaldives #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 6, 2022, 3:35 am.


Beachside in #Bermuda. stregisbermuda #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 5, 2022, 12:30 am.


Drifting through #Amman's exquisite poolside ambiance. stregisamman #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 4, 2022, 3:57 am.


Let idyllic ocean hold your attention. stregispuntamita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 3, 2022, 3:48 am.


The Grand Canal's most exquisite arrival. stregisvenice #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 31, 2022, 11:15 pm.


Last week, polo returned to #Aspen – we were delighted to be a part of the exquisite charity and sport of the 2022 Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup. Against an iconic mountain backdrop, The Duke of Sussex and nachofigueras found victory on the pitch at the Aspen Valley Polo Club, and celebrations unfolded at stregisaspen.

Photo by stregishotels on August 30, 2022, 4:04 pm.


Summer in #Aspen — an irresistible blend of mountain beauty and the style of the Best Address. stregisaspen #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 30, 2022, 3:55 am.


A canvas for exquisite craft — the St. Regis Bar at stregismardavall. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 29, 2022, 4:03 am.


In #BoraBora, every view is an exquisite vision. stregisborabora

Photo by stregishotels on August 26, 2022, 4:54 am.


Details in all directions. stregisflorence #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 24, 2022, 3:54 am.


Above the beauty of endless blues. stregismaldives #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 22, 2022, 12:45 am.


An exquisite original, through and through — step into the glamour of stregisnewyork. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 20, 2022, 3:18 am.


Let the Best Address lead to the unforgettable. stregisamman #Amman

Photo by stregishotels on August 17, 2022, 3:59 am.


Sumptuous villas, secluded views. stregismaldives #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 12, 2022, 3:46 am.


Amidst the trees, an island treasure. stregisbb #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 8, 2022, 3:50 am.


Discover exquisite days mirrored in #Doha. stregisdoha #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 5, 2022, 4:01 am.


Unwind in inspired surroundings. @stregisdubaithepalm #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on August 3, 2022, 10:15 pm.


Follow grand staircase glamour to rituals adorned in art. @stregisamman #Amman #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 31, 2022, 4:03 am.


Immerse in something sublime. @stregispuntamita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 30, 2022, 3:45 am.


When azure waters meet a touch of gold. @stregisborabora #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 27, 2022, 1:34 am.


Cairo, captivating. @stregisalmasa #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 23, 2022, 1:31 am.


The island perspective, perfected. @stregismaldives #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 21, 2022, 3:50 am.


Watch brilliant days become exquisite nights in #Bali. @stregisbali

Photo by stregishotels on July 17, 2022, 2:31 am.


Sun-kissed terrace, serenest of retreats. @stregisvenice

Photo by stregishotels on July 16, 2022, 2:26 am.


Summer evening, classic beginning. @stregisdc #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 14, 2022, 2:15 am.


Balcony views reveal a beachside glimpse of breaking dawn at The Ritz-Carlton, #TurksandCaicos.

Photo by stregishotels on July 12, 2022, 11:30 pm.


Refined in every facet. @stregisbalharbour #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 11, 2022, 2:49 am.


On the edge of treasured tides. @stregisbermuda #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 8, 2022, 10:45 pm.


Looking back on last week’s 2022 Superyacht Cup Palma, as the coast of #Mallorca became home to thrilling competition, and @stregismardavall shared exquisite celebration. pc:@thesuperyachtcuppalma

Photo by stregishotels on July 8, 2022, 3:45 am.


Find timeless stories, exquisitely told. @stregisflorence #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on July 2, 2022, 3:45 am.


All eyes on island splendor. #LiveExquisite at @stregisborabora

Photo by stregishotels on June 29, 2022, 8:54 pm.


A tradition of sailing excitement and summer rituals — #Mallorca’s Superyacht Cup Palma is underway. Returning as hotel partner for 2022, @stregismardavall will craft an exquisite scene on shore as the competition unfolds, with majestic vessels racing through four days in the sparkling waters of the Balearic Sea.

Photo by stregishotels on June 28, 2022, 3:55 am.


Every step a showpiece. Trace a staircase view into the artistry of @stregisrome. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 26, 2022, 3:30 am.


Picture perfect. A sun-drenched vignette from the best address in #Bermuda. @stregisbermuda pc:@cookingbyhungrybears

Photo by stregishotels on June 25, 2022, 4:08 am.


Balcony views, ocean breezes – beautiful nights in #BahiaBeach. @stregisbb #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 23, 2022, 3:30 am.


Enlivened by island details — the best address in #Mallorca. @stregismardavall #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 19, 2022, 3:53 am.


Summer season. Terrace views. The best address in #Venice. @stregisvenice #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 18, 2022, 4:06 am.


Splendid sands, exquisite escape. @stregisbalharbour #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 14, 2022, 2:35 am.


Bathed in the light of exquisite horizons. @stregisbermuda #LiveExquisite pc:@leaguetravels

Photo by stregishotels on June 11, 2022, 1:30 am.


In the heart of impeccable artistry. @stregisdc #LiveExquisite pc: @windborneco

Photo by stregishotels on June 9, 2022, 7:20 pm.


A taste of perfection under the palms. @stregispuntamita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 8, 2022, 3:46 am.


Give the view a flawless framing. @stregisabudhabi #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 6, 2022, 3:39 am.


Between rainforests and the Andaman Sea, disappear into the coast of @thestregislangkawi.

Photo by stregishotels on June 3, 2022, 3:45 am.


Every path should end with something stunning. @stregisborabora #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on June 1, 2022, 2:28 am.


Embrace the brilliance of nights in #Bali. @stregisbali #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 21, 2022, 3:05 am.


Breaking day, boundless beauty. @stregisbermuda #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 17, 2022, 6:56 pm.


The Best Address: Maldives. Reframed by island blue and an idyllic setting, St. Regis rituals and refinement fluorish beside the waves at @stregismaldives. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 17, 2022, 2:45 am.


Between evening tides and sunset skies. @stregispuntamita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 13, 2022, 3:47 am.


Guided by #Mallorca's exquisite island shades. @stregismardavall #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 12, 2022, 4:01 am.


A classic setting, perfectly crafted — @stregisvenice.

Photo by stregishotels on May 7, 2022, 1:30 am.


Getaways at their greenest. @stregisbb #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on May 1, 2022, 5:00 pm.


Discover the exquisite with every step. @stregisborabora #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on April 29, 2022, 4:03 am.


Go from days beside the blue to exquisite nights beneath the stars in #SaadiyatIsland.@stregissaadiyatisland

Photo by stregishotels on April 25, 2022, 9:05 pm.


Travel + Leisure has released their annual T+L 500 list of best hotels — including exquisite views from the Best Address. From Arno River scenery at @stregisflorence to @stregisborabora's endless blues, our stories have all the winners. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on November 16, 2021, 3:56 am.


Live with a flourish, and watch the exquisite flow. #Maldives

Photo by stregishotels on November 12, 2021, 4:53 am.


When your perch above the city couldn’t be more perfect. #Atlanta

Photo by stregishotels on November 8, 2021, 4:56 am.


Our vision of #Venice. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on November 5, 2021, 10:24 pm.


Island, iconic. #LiveExquisite in #BoraBora

Photo by stregishotels on November 5, 2021, 3:52 am.


Unwind in #Macao's exquisite surroundings.

Photo by stregishotels on November 4, 2021, 3:53 am.


Where lush lagoons reveal endless island beauty — the best address in #Bali. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on October 30, 2021, 3:16 am.


Find yourself in awe of autumn. #DeerValley

Photo by stregishotels on October 27, 2021, 1:17 am.


Take in the tide. #PuntaMita

Photo by stregishotels on October 23, 2021, 4:21 pm.


Exquisite days belong by the waves. #Maldives

Photo by stregishotels on October 21, 2021, 3:38 am.


Bask in #Bermuda's blues. #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on October 17, 2021, 2:34 am.


Beginnings at their brightest. #BalHarbour #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on October 16, 2021, 2:27 am.


Poolside, perfected. Unwind in exquisite surroundings in #BahiaBeach.

Photo by stregishotels on October 15, 2021, 3:45 am.


The look of exquisite evenings in #Toronto.

Photo by stregishotels on October 11, 2021, 2:35 am.


Set your table by the tides. #PuntaMita #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on October 8, 2021, 12:45 am.


Find the bigger picture. #LiveExquisite #PuntaMita

Photo by stregishotels on October 4, 2021, 3:31 am.


Island blues, villa views. Explore the exquisite shores of #BoraBora.

Photo by stregishotels on October 2, 2021, 3:53 am.


Fall, worth falling for. #DeerValley

Photo by stregishotels on September 30, 2021, 1:18 am.


#Dubai revels in the details. @stregisdubaithepalm #LiveExquisite

Photo by stregishotels on September 26, 2021, 12:00 am.


From room with a view, to room with *the* view. #LiveExquisite #Maldives

Photo by stregishotels on September 25, 2021, 1:45 am.


Lush garden, Grand Canal, and an exquisite afternoon in #Venice.

Photo by stregishotels on September 23, 2021, 1:10 am.


Wander paradise in #PuntaMita.

Photo by stregishotels on September 20, 2021, 11:35 pm.


For another year, Travel + Leisure has named the Best Address part of The World’s Best. We are delighted to have our exquisite properties from around the globe included in the World’s Best Awards 2021 — watch our stories to see them all.

Photo by stregishotels on September 20, 2021, 1:35 am.


Where the city inspires exquisite details – The St. Regis Hong Kong.

Photo by stregishotels on September 18, 2021, 11:10 pm.


The Best Address: Atlanta From water’s edge to terrace, immerse in something classic. #LiveExquisite #Atlanta

Photo by stregishotels on September 18, 2021, 1:45 am.


The Best Address: Atlanta Glamour makes the perfect greeting. #LiveExquisite


Marriott Bonvoy™ le ofrece acceso exclusivo a la mayor colección de hoteles de lujo del mundo en los destinos más inspiradores.

Vista del agua en Yalong Bay Yacht Club